Aaron Halstead

Aaron Halstead
Growing up about as far from the ocean as possible while still living in the United States, it took a while before I would truly discover the ocean. A couple of weekend trips to the beach while attending college in Florida, and a short glimpse during a cruise through the Caribbean weren’t quite enough to draw me in. After moving across the country to Southern California, living just miles from the coast for a few years, I finally stumbled across a National Geographic article on nudibranchs. A few quick internet searches led me to some local photographers, which led to more nudibranch photos and ID guides, and realization that Southern California has some great diving! In the following years I’ve melted and flooded a camera, upgraded to DSLR setups, and have added a vast range of other accessories. I’ve enjoyed the cold waters as far north as British Columbia, throughout California from Monterrey to San Diego, glimpsed the Caribbean and explored a number of locations throughout Indonesia and the Philippines. You can see more of Aaron’s work on Facebook or Instagram: